Google search results: 11 most important changes of 2013 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Google search results
Who knows what sorcery Google will use to determine which posts show up first on its search engine results pages (SERPS)? Google search results are mysterious and anything but transparent, but Pratik Dholakiya, founder of Growfusely, consults solid sources and comes up with educated guesses of what changed in 2013.

It turns out that some sources know more about Google’s search algorithms than others. One notable example is Danny Sullivan, whose site Search Engine Land cuts through the haze and gives you about the closest thing you can get to an inside scoop on what Google is doing.

Why such secrecy? There are so many spammers and fake sites trying to game the system, if Google was transparent about its methods, its first-rate search engine would be completely useless. That’s why some sites seem to ride high and then suddenly fall — they figured out how to game Google’s system just in time for Google to change it.

So what should bloggers do to rank high on Google’s search engine results pages? If you’re using WordPress, the most basic and easiest routine is to use the excellent “SEO by Yoast” plug-in, following its instructions with every post. But like a broken record, I’ll write it again: The best search engine optimization (SEO) technique is to create engaging content, and promote it on social media, ensuring that large groups of interested readers will know it exists.

See the infographic below for important insights into Google’s well-kept secrets. It’s a fascinating look at the inner workings of Google, and why search results changed over the past year (click the graphic for enlargement).

11 Most Important Google Algorithm Changes 2013

Infographic: E2M Solutions. Google logo composite by Charlie White