About Charles T. White

Author of Bloggers Boot Camp and longtime reporter and editor at Mashable/Gizmodo/DVICE, Charlie's been covering tech, Internet, coolness and inexplicable peculiarities for major websites and magazines since 1994. Catch up with Charlie on Twitter @charlie_white

Got writer’s block? There’s an app for that: Prompts

Prompts app for iOS

I had won. As the crushing weight of writer’s block bore down on me, a mere iPhone app called Prompts lifted me up. I’d tried a lot of techniques — many of them successful — for fighting writer’s block, and this little app by Tanner Christensen gave me one more reliable tool for fighting the scourge of The Great White Empty Page.
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Screenguardz, the first screen protector worth using

Bodyguardz Screenguardz Pure 11

It seems a shame to put a case on an iPhone. As soon as you put a cover on it, Apple designer Jony Ive’s exquisite attention to detail suddenly becomes invisible. The Bodyguardz Screenguardz Pure is not a case, but a hardened piece of tempered glass that sticks onto the iPhone’s screen. Can it protect the screen without obfuscating the iPhone’s iconic design? To find out, I slapped the $39.95 screen protector onto my iPhone 5.

Placing this second piece of glass directly on my iPhone’s screen (there are also versions for most other iPhones, the iPad mini, Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One) required serious precision. Making it easier is a suction cup included in the box, and once you’ve taken off the adhesive backing, you can precisely lower this 0.4mm thin millimeter glass onto the iPhone screen.
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25 more writing errors that make you look like an amateur


After the overwhelming reaction to my “50 writing errors that make you look like an amateur” post, I couldn’t help but continue my mission of cleansing the Internet of all grammatical malfeasance. So here are 25 more transgressions to avoid if you want to be taken seriously as a writer.

Of course, these are all my personal opinions. They are not rigid rules. The English language is a living thing, evolving over the years with new words and usages added every day. Many items in this list are mere pet peeves of mine. Or I could be just plain wrong.

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Watch the best flight video ever made

If only the Wright Brothers could see this video. It’s a visual masterpiece, showing the beauty and grace of flight. At the same time, the video is a demonstration of the quality of high-resolution video, shot with the skilled hands of Doug Holgate, Roger Tonry and Scott Smith, all artisans of the craft of lens, light, positioning and flight.

It’s the combination of spectacular lighting, sharp digital-cinema-grade video, rock-steady stabilization — and of course, the photogenic flying machinery — that make this footage so dramatic.
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High-resolution iPhone 5S porn leaked [VIDEO]

Perhaps Apple can’t maintain its super confidentiality of years past. Could it be the company has somehow allowed the above high-resolution iPhone 5S porn to leak from its usually secretive clutches? Say it ain’t so.

This video flaunts the new iPhone’s three allegedly upcoming colors, including that luscious black/graphite look, the silvery white/off-white style, and that new gleaming “champagne” design. And looky there, that cheapo plastic-backed baby blue iPhone makes an appearance, too.
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Kevin Spacey to Hollywood: ‘Give people what they want’

Kevin Spacey

Riding on the breakthrough success of his Netflix series House of Cards, Kevin Spacey has a simple message for the entertainment industry: Get with the program, tell your stories, and give people what they want.

In a brilliant speech he gave at the Edinburgh International Television Festival, he admonished the television and film industry, encouraging them to sidestep the mistakes the music industry made. The enigmatic Kevin Spacey, speaking with conviction and charisma, gave it to the programmers in a language they could understand.
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